Kaitlyn Janine's Blog

my crazy adventures in school

Week Eight of CAT 275 07/07/2011

Filed under: CAT 275 — kaitlynjanine @ 9:01 pm

This week was pretty relaxing. I started a six week English class right after the holiday, so today is the only day I worked. I did some marketing, made some phone calls and went to BNI. Last week at BNI I won the 50/50 raffle; this week I won a referral raffle. The prize was a $25 gift card to Outback Steakhouse. I went to Edgewater to do some marketing, then went back to the office to make some phone calls. My Neenah Esse textured 100lb paper samples were there for my business cards. It was fantastic- they sent me 10 26×30 sheets for the offset press. I had them taken to our Dundalk location to be cut down to size, since our cutter isn’t big enough. Sandi taught me the difference between screening and transparency, so I have to fix the cards for offset. I also have to match to Pantone, since I used spot color when I printed them digitally. Hopefully I have lots of luck, or I may just end up printing them digitally on the paper.


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